The Team


Our Design Ethos

KSLD has been around since 1989 and has since then adapted and gained experience in a wide range of areas and projects.
With this knowledge and skill, rigorous and evidence-based lighting design enables a creative result.

We broaden our knowledge of lighting through diverse project work and research, aiming to create high quality projects with a lasting and positive influence on those who experience them. We value our contribution to the lighting community and share our knowledge and enthusiasm for light through projects, education and training. We are respected as a leading practice and are committed to contributing to the development and recognition of the lighting design profession.


Design Values

  • Everything we do and create is about an experience. We design for the end user, tailor to the individual and provide a unique and memorable experience for everyone.

  • We negotiate realistic deadlines, create open communication and always design to meet our clients’ needs.

  • We develop personally and share our knowledge, experience and insight with our clients, community and the industry.

  • We work together to exceed expectations, setting innovative personal and project goals to aspire to.

  • We seek to minimise our impact on the environment in our work.